Selene Descendent

"May as well become a junkie because I felt like a junkie every day, ya know? Waking up starving, just forcing myself to eat, ya know. Barfing it back up. It's like I'm in pain all the time." -Kurt Cobain

Gold In The Drain
When I was younger, my body was always more mature than others. I always had a bigger chest, bigger stomach, broad shoulders, and chubby cheeks. Nowadays it’s starting to become normalized, but that was never the case for me. I’ve been struggling with bulimia since 7th grade and I’ve never recovered. I always got made fun of for my bigger chest, especially in middle school. “Bella takes pills to make her boobs grow”. The absolute most absurd statement I’ve ever heard. I always laughed it off thinking they were just jealous of me, but I was hurting deep down. I was never able to wear “cute” clothes. I was always covering the fat with hoodies and jeans. Sometimes I’d always think about cutting the fat off with scissors, but those were just intrusive thoughts. Or maybe even cutting my chest off, as I got made fun of it daily. I thought my mother could understand me, but she couldn’t. I was always being dramatic, but not according to Olivia Niland. In her article, “My Breast Reduction Surgery Finally Gave Me The body I Was Meant To Have” She told us she always wanted to be like the other girls and so did I. “Deep down I still wanted to wear candy-colored bras, string bikinis, and strappy dresses like the other girls at school. I wanted to join the tennis team, and change in locker rooms without strategically covering my body, and see photos of myself without zeroing in on my breasts and cringing in disgust”. Olivia had this motivation, this drive, to become the version of herself she wanted to be. There was never any cute bras for me, nor bikinis. And if there was a “cute bikini” it was always $80. This could never compare to the $10 clearance bikini at target. I was always so ashamed of myself and the options of clothing that were for me. I stopped going to dances because I can’t stand how hard it is to find the “perfect” dress for me. Olivia also struggled with this as she states, “By the time I entered high school, I skipped dances entirely, knowing full well that the only dresses large enough to support my chest would be found at the same mall stores our PTA mothers frequented”. I was utterly consumed by purging the fat off my body that I purged too much to the point where I didn’t even feel beautiful at my prom. I lost so much weight off my body that I started to sag, my stretch marks stuck out, my dress couldn’t fit my chest, and my face slowly started to sink in. I don’t have a solution as I was denied treatment for bulimia, but also surgery. Olivia found a solution and she was finally able to achieve her dream body of breast reduction surgery. As I see Olivia, I hope to one day see myself as her.